My Liebster nomination

A few weeks ago, I was tagged for the Liebster award by the lovely Herself, over at Kidding Herself.

Kidding Herself is a children’s guide to going out – written from a child’s perspective.

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Thanks to Kidding Herself, I’ve learned about a number of places in London that I’d like to take Pumpkin when she’s a bit older. So, if you’re a Londoner with kids, definitely have a look. (But have a look anyway, because her posts always fun to read).

The rules

So, back to the business of the Liebster, which is all about the number 11, apparently.

I’m supposed to:

  • Answer 11 questions posed by the person who nominated me.
  • Write 11 new questions for the people I nominate.
  • Nominate 11 people.

See? Eleven.

Here we go.

Answers to the questions from Kidding Herself:

  1. When did you start blogging and why? – I started this blog in March of last year after Pumpkin was born. I wanted to document life as a new mummy. I also wanted to build a blog I could eventually make money from and maybe turn it into a job.
  2. Give us your top blogging tip – Have fun! Make sure you enjoy what you’re writing. If you aren’t enjoying what you’re writing, why are you doing it at all?
  3. Have you done anything because of blogging that you wouldn’t have otherwise done? – Yes. I’ve gone to a couple of events: the Benihana BeniGirls Bash and I spent a morning learning about teething and eating lots of cake, thanks to Camilia. I’ve also tried a variety of products I wouldn’t have tried otherwise. And, recently, Pumpkin and I were also invited to see a play in Greenwichbenihana benigirlsbash
  4. Recommend one place to go for a day out near you. Why that place?Greenwich is one of my favourite places in London and we go pretty regularly as a family. There’s the market, where you can get something lovely to eat. There’s the big park, the observatory, the Maritime Museum and the river. Greenwich Tall Ships Festival
  5. Tell us about a memorable day out when you were a child – I grew up in California and I remember my parents whisking me and my best friend off in the middle of the night to take us to LA for a weekend at DisneyLand. They’d planned it so well, but didn’t tell us where we were going until we got there, so it really seemed like an adventure to us.
  6. What is your pet hate? – I’m a bit of a grammar geek, so it really annoys me when I see people making the really common mistakes – its/it’s, you’re/your, etc.
  7. Summer, spring, autumn or winter? – Autumn.
  8. What would your spirit animal be? – Three-toed sloth.


    Image credit: Stefan Laube (Tauchgurke), posted on Wikipedia

  9. Are you a cat person, a dog person or do you prefer fish? – I love cats and dogs (fish are fine too), but if I had to choose, I’m a definitely a dog person.
  10. Name a historical figure who interests you. Why that person? – It’s hard to choose just one. Shakespeare’s pretty interesting. The fact that he wrote so much and is such a big part of culture, but we know so little about him.
  11. 50 Shades of Grey: yes or no? – Not for me.

11 questions for my nominees

  1. How did you decide on your blog’s name?
  2. What’s your favourite blog post that you have written?
  3. What’s your favourite colour?
  4. Coffee or Tea?
  5. Who is your favourite Disney Princess?
  6. Where would you go on holiday if money was no object?
  7. Which TV/movie/book character do you think you are most like and why?
  8. What did you have for breakfast?
  9. How do you unwind after a difficult day?
  10. If you could send yourself a Tweet to the past, to when would you send it and what would it say. Remember the 140 character limit!
  11. If you could have the power of invisibility or the power of flight, which would you choose and how would you use it?

Liebster-AwardI nominate…

There are so many fabulous blogs that I read on a regular basis, so it’s hard to choose 11. If I tag you, please don’t feel like you must take part – as long as you know I think you’re pretty awesome, that’s enough. 🙂

  1. MrsSavageAngel
  2. Tinyfootsteps
  3. A Pocketful of Dandelions
  4. Tinbox Traveller
  5. Northumberland Mam
  6. CuddleFairy
  7. Working Mummy and Wife
  8. Blog by MummyBio
  9. Little O and Me
  10. Run Jump Scrap
  11. Into the Glade

Have fun – and if you join in, be sure to let me know so I don’t miss your post!

8 Comments on "My Liebster nomination"

  1. Ahh Thank you for the nomination! I have done a couple of these in the past but will happily answer your questions in a post 😀

  2. Thank you so much for thinking of me. I’ll definitely take part! I love your 11 questions. They are so creative!!

  3. Thanks so much for the nomination lovely! I have done one of these before but one more won’t hurt :). That trip your parents arranged sounds so magical, such an adventure!
    Becky xx

    • There do seem to be a lot of these posts circulating lately! That trip was quite an adventure – I remember being a little nervous too, going out in the middle of the night so mysteriously like that made it seem like we were running away from something.

  4. Great answers – and I like your questions too.

    Oddly enough, I can live with apostrophe abuse, and I can’t spell for toffee myself so I have to overlook that, but I have actually written a stiff note to a supermarket chain about their misuse of ‘less’. We all have our language sticking points.

    I am wildly jealous of your Disney trip – what a great thing for your parents to do to make it so special. Very very cool!

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