No pool? No problem!

no pool? no problem!

Summer is well and truly here – and one of our favourite ways to stay cool is with a trip to the swimming pool.

And while we LOVE going to the local pool, sometimes I really just want to stay at home. Unfortunately, living in a flat means that we don’t have a garden so there’s nowhere for a little paddling pool.

But that hasn’t stopped me from letting Pumpkin have a splash at home.

no pool? no problem!

Here’s what I did:

  1. Get an under-bed storage pool? no problem!
  2. Remove the lid and toys.
  3. Pour in a few inches of water using the bath pool? no problem!
  4. Very carefully transport it to the communal area outside.
  5. Add toddlerno pool? no problem!

I chose an under-bed storage box because it was convenient – we already had one and I just had to dump out some toys.

Also, it’s heavy-duty enough that I can carry it to and from the bathroom with water in it. And, it’s not so big that if it spills it will destroy our house – or the downstairs neighbours’.

no pool? no problem!

Of course, I also had to do a few things to get Pumpkin ready. First was choosing a swimming costume – both of her grandmothers have sent some super-cute ones and it’s hard to decide on one.

Once that tough choice was made, I got her dressed (with a swim nappy), I also got a towel and gathered up a few water-compatible toys.

no pool? no problem!

She really enjoyed splashing around. It was a great way for her to cool off on a hot day, and it was nice not having to go out. Some of the neighbour girls also came over and played with the water and Pumpkin for a while, too.

no pool? no problem!

How do you keep cool in the summer? Do you have any tips for living in a flat with a toddler? Leave a comment below.

2 Comments on "No pool? No problem!"

  1. What a great idea! It looks like she is having the best time x

  2. eek how adorable does she look in that swimming costume! Our paddling pool is kept at Grandma’s house so I might try this as we’ve been out in the garden loads recently x

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