Another week has gone by in the blink of an eye. When I started to go through photos, I didn’t think it had been a very busy week – but, actually, it was!

1. Little boat captain.
2. She finally figured out how to use the Wheelybug.
3. Pinky up while eating a banana.
4. Sprawling.
5. “The bubbles are all mine!”
6. Meeting a Minion.
7. “Ta-dah!”
8. Petting a t-rex.
9. Playing in some sand.
Sunday and Monday
These were quiet days at home. Well, as quiet as any day at home with a toddler can be. On Monday, I started a quest to regain control over the kitchen. It has been a disaster for weeks and I’m slowly starting to win the fight with clutter and dirty dishes.
I also re-arranged the living room a bit – re-configured the playpen to be just a barrier in front of the TV, rather than a pen. It’s nice to have a bit more space.
On Tuesday, we planned to go to the last playgroup of the term at the nearby church. The schedule said it was on, but when we got there, the doors were locked and the car park was empty. Boo.
So we headed to the nearby park instead.
We haven’t gone to that park much in the past – and I realised why. It’s really rubbish for small children. There are swings, a rocking boat and another boat with a spinny wheel and tunnel, but that’s it.
Pumpkin loves the swings, but they don’t really wear her out – and I wanted her to burn off some energy. There also wasn’t any shade and since I’d been planning to go to the indoor playgroup, didn’t have the sunscreen. So, we left to try the new soft play centre instead.
Of course, being a NEW soft play centre and the second day of school holidays, it was mobbed. It looked good and we’ll definitely go back, but we stayed for less than an hour.
Daddy-man has Wednesdays off, so the three of us spent a little while at the children’s centre fun day. Pumpkin (and Daddy-man) enjoyed playing in the sand and she also got to pet a bearded dragon and a guinea pig.
There wasn’t much else there suitable for her age (although Daddy-man enjoyed the fact that the NHS BMI booth was right next to the burger fan and ice cream truck), so after a little while, he took Pumpkin for a walk and I went home to do some work.
Thursday was our last Sing and Sign class of the term. It was a little bittersweet for me. Since the teacher has had to change venues, everyone from our class will be going to other places next term. Pumpkin won’t really know the difference and she’ll have all new kids to play with, but I’d grown to know the other mums pretty well and won’t be seeing them again.
Friday was a rough day. Pumpkin woke up at 5am – I got her back to sleep, but when she woke up at 8ish, her nappy had leaked. Then, while I was cleaning off the changing table, she got into the bin and pulled out a half-eaten yogurt, which she managed to spread EVERYWHERE in a matter of seconds. So, by 9am, I’d already given her a bath and mopped the kitchen floor.
In an attempt to save my sanity, I took her to Mini Montessori, but it was raining a lot harder than I’d thought and I went out without an umbrella, so was soaked by the time we got there.
Pumpkin was dry under her rain cover, but screamed bloody murder most of the way there because she HATES the rain cover. We got there, had fun, and then left and the rain cover screaming started again. That got her so riled up, she never did go down for her afternoon nap and I just gave up trying to do anything at all.
When Daddy-man got home, he gave me a much-needed break. I sat on the sofa with some tea and watched a half hour of Voyager. I’m not a huge fan of Voyager, but it was the first thing I found and, more importantly, wasn’t Mr Tumble or Twirlywoos. I think I actually fell asleep for a few minutes, but felt really refreshed afterwards. Then we had Domino’s for dinner. Sorry Slimming World.
Saturday morning started with a miscommunication with Daddy-man about the time, which meant Pumpkin came along with me to my Slimming World meeting. We didn’t stay for the whole time, since she started getting fidgety, so we went to Starbucks while Daddy-man made his way to us.
Once he got there, we headed to Mothercare to check out car seat options. Then we got to meet a dinosaur! The life-size tyrannosaurus-rex, which danced with Nicki Minaj at the MTV awards made an appearance at the mall. Pumpkin was very brave and petted the dino – Daddy-man and I were both really impressed with how realistic it looked, even up-close.
After that, we took a little walk to Hall Place, a big manor house and gardens. The Mini Montessori class was having its summer picnic there and Pumpkin had a great time running around after the geese and picking up feathers. She even got to meet a Minion! I had no idea the place was there, but it’s so convenient to where we live – we’ll definitely go back to have a proper look around soon.
This week last year in photos

1-3. Snoozing.
4. Getting ready for her first picnic.
5. On our way home from the picnic – it was so hot, I put a wet muslin on her head.
6. “Mummy, you really must fold some laundry.”
7. Snuggles with Daddy-man.
8-9. Tummy time!
looks like a pretty busy week. Cool that she got to meet both a dinosaur and a minion. Mine would have loved that
I really struggle when the groups finish for the holidays, I am always at a bit of a loss of what to do. Friday sounds like a tough day, I have had a few of those recently! The dinosaur sounds cool, how random! Have a fab week and thank you for hosting!
Becky xx
Looks like a whole lot of fun! I’ve really enjoyed having a look around your blog! Thanks for the follow on twitter x #weekataglance
So sorry to hear your Friday was a bit rubbish in the morning but yay for new soft play an minions, they are my faves! x
Sounds like you have packed a lot in! The weather is all over the place at the minute – it will be overcast when I leave the house so I will forget the sun hats and cream – then typically it will get out lovely and sunny!
I would not have been able to move away from those Dinosaurs! H is obsessed by them. Hope they come to a shopping centre near us soon as I would love to see his face
Have a good week #myweekataglance