Re-launching my healthy eating plan


So, I want to lose some weight.

No, I want to lose a lot of weight.

This is nothing new. It’s not baby weight. It’s not the result of working from home or an early-30s gain. I’ve been overweight most of my life and I’m tired of it.

I’ve tried dieting before. In the six months in the run-up to my wedding five years ago, I lost about three stone (42 pounds) by sticking rigorously to a low GI diet. But, after the honeymoon was over, it all came back. Plus a bit more.


A week before our wedding. in 2009 I was far from skinny, but pleased with how much weight I’d lost.

About two years ago, I joined Slimming World. The first few months went really well. I was eating delicious food, never felt hungry and was losing weight consistently. Even more importantly, I saw the plan as a lifestyle change that I could stick to fairly easily for the long term.

However, a three-week trip to America undid almost all of my hard work, and I had to start fresh. Then Hubby ended up in the hospital for several weeks. Then Christmas hit a couple months later. Then another trip to America a few months after that. I’d lose the weight, then something would happen and I’d put it all back on. Yo-yo dieting at its finest.

Just as I was getting back on track again, I found out I was pregnant. No problem! Slimming World can be easily adapted for pregnancy and it’s even supported by the Royal College of midwives. I kept up with the plan (more or less) throughout my pregnancy and, as recommended by my doctor, only gained eight pounds in those nine months.

A little more than a week after giving birth, I went back to my group – the scales showed that I was 2.5 stone lighter than I had been a week before baby made her appearance. I was ecstatic and pledged to keep that weight off.

But once again, life got in the way. Sleep deprivation, lack of time to cook healthy meals and a willpower nosedive meant that I stopped following the plan almost entirely, even though I kept going to my group sessions each week. The weight started to creep back on. Again.

Three weeks ago, however, I put a stop to all that. I started keeping a food diary, I re-read all the materials about the plan and started checking my syns. This time, I’m determined to lose the weight. Not just for me, but for my family – my little girl needs a healthy mama who can chase after her and play with her and take care of her the right way.


I’m also going to start blogging about my weight loss journey with the hope that it keeps me motivated, gives me a place to talk about my experiences and maybe even meet a few fellow slimmers. As part of this, I’ll be posting recipes, sharing pictures of my meals and talking about other aspects of the plan as I go along.

I’m not ready to share exactly how much I have to lose – but believe me, it’s plenty. I am, however, going to set myself a pretty big interim goal: to lose half of the weight by my birthday in mid-November.

That’s about 20 weeks away and means that I have to put in a lot of work if I want to succeed. But I also know how good it will feel to get to that point (it will take me back to the weight I was at 16) and if I make it, I’m going to treat myself to something really special – a tattoo of violets on my shoulder (my baby’s birth flower).

So, wish me luck! I’m sure it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

2 Comments on "Re-launching my healthy eating plan"

  1. You know who I am | June 28, 2014 at 6:45 am | Reply

    Good luck. I’ve lost 40 and have another 40 to go. I’ve lost that much but it’s been the same 4 pounds again and again. It doesn’t help that Dunkin’ Donuts opened just down the road!

    • I have the same problem losing the same few pounds over and over and over. I’m jealous of your Dunkin’ Donuts… but also glad there’s not one nearby. I did find out there’s one in South London though. Might be worth a field trip some day, but at least the distance will prevent it from becoming a habit. Ohmygoodness the ones with the white buttercreamy filling and coated in powdered sugar!!! No. Diet food. Mmmm carrrrots. *sigh*

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