Review: Grobag 3.5 tog sleeping bag

When I was pregnant, I must admit that I didn’t do much research about what to do with the baby. To be honest, I think there’s a lot of conflicting advice out there and, in many cases, there’s no ‘best’ way to do something. So, I figure it’s better to do what feels right and seek advice when I need it.

However, there was one subject that I read about a lot: SIDS. Specifically, the best bedtime habits to help prevent it. As well as the “feet-to-foot” positioning and baby movement monitors, one thing that kept coming up in the recommendations was sleeping bags.

Baby sleeping bags are alternatives to baby blankets. They have straps that go around the shoulders and prevent the baby from ‘sinking’ under the blanket. They’re also really useful if you have a baby who moves around a lot in her sleep – like mine. With the a sleeping bag, I know she’s not going to kick off the blankets and get cold.

We’ve been using sleeping bags from various brands since Pumpkin was born. They’ve become part of her bedtime routine and I’ve noticed that she falls asleep much easier if she’s wearing one.


Grobag is the leading sleeping bag brand in the UK and Australia. They recently sent Pumpkin a 3.5 tog baby sleeping bag – decorated with Mr Moose – to review.

When I opened the packaging, I was immediately impressed. Last winter was so mild, we never needed a sleeping bag that was more than 2.5 tog. This bag is so thick and cosy and the fabric feels almost like velveteen.


Of course, there’s also the adorable decoration. The snowflake pattern is lovely and festive – and Mr Moose is very cute.

There’s lots of information on the packaging explaining the importance of using a sleeping bag and the latest recommendations for putting a baby to bed.


In addition, there’s a buying guide on the back to help you choose the right sleeping bag based on temperatures and baby’s size. I really like this – I wish more baby products made it so easy to select the best option when standing in the store!

Grobag-8Inside, there’s also a room thermometer to help you decide which tog rating to use at home. I’ve blue-tacked this to the wall in the living room (we already have something similar on the wall in the bedroom).


On the back, there’s a useful chart that makes it clear what baby should be wearing to bed. I had one of these to refer to after Pumpkin was born and I found it SO useful. Especially since my internal thermostat was so messed up and I didn’t trust my own judgement about temperatures and what to wear.


According to all of this information, it hasn’t been getting cold enough in our flat to actually use the 3.5 tog bag yet. But since we have plans for trips to much colder climates over the next few months – as well as the weather here taking a chilly turn over the last few days, it will definitely go to good use before long.

Still, Pumpkin was happy to model the bag for me – and oh, she was so snuggly in it!

Grobag-7I absolutely love this Grobag – and the other ones we’ve used have also been fantastic. I would certainly recommend them to parents looking for a better alternative to blankets.

Disclaimer: the Gro Company sent me the 3.5 tog baby sleeping bag in exchange for an honest review. All opinoins are my own.

Family Fever

8 Comments on "Review: Grobag 3.5 tog sleeping bag"

  1. a lovely review. Our little man has suspected Autism & seemed to sleep better in a sleeping bag but he’s figured out how to get out of it now so I just don’t know if I can justify spending money on another one the next size up. What are the shoulders like on this? Are they poppers? Thanks x

    • Hi! Thanks for your comment. The shoulders on this one are poppers, but we have another Grobag that has a zip down the front that might be a bit harder to escape from. The shoulders on it are solid and the zip goes down the front (rather than up) and is covered with a flap that gets poppered into place. The Grobags are pricey – but worth it for a good night’s sleep! You might want to keep a close eye at local charity shops or on ebay. I found our current 2.5 tog Grobag at a charity shop for £3 and it was in perfect condition! Our local TK Max also has a good selection – although the discount there seems minimal. Good luck!

  2. Great review and love the design of that grobag 🙂

    I used grobags with my son, who’s now 5, and I intend to use them with my daughter when she’s big enough. She’s only 11 days old so needs to grow a bit before being able to wear one.

  3. We love Grobags too – we’ve had a selection in every size and every tog I think!

  4. I have always used Grobags and would advise anyone else to do so too. Gave me a peace of mind knowing that they wouldn’t be kicking off their covers.

    I love the design on this grobag, so cute!

  5. My little Lola loves her Grobag too. Can’t recommend them highly enough; so snuggly. #triedtested x

  6. We are huge Grobag fans – all 3 of my children have used them, and at 21 months, Max will be in his for a while yet. Will definitely be using them again with baby 4. Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested

  7. We’ve not had a heavier weight tog sleeping bag but it’s certainly something I’ve been considering at the moment as it’s really quite cold at night isn’t it!
    Thanks so much for linking up with #TriedTested this week x

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