Wicked Wednesday: doing the laundry

wicked wednesday topper

Sometimes you just have to set your baby down somewhere for a moment.

baby in laundry basket

This time, that somewhere turned out to be a basket of damp laundry.

She didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she seemed rather amused by the whole situation.


Wicked Wednesdays is a weekly linky hosted by Brummy Mummy of Two. It embraces the fact that life doesn’t always look like Pinterest boards and Instagram perfection. “Sometimes our kids look snotty, our meals look bloody horrible and the only view we have is our children fighting in front of Peppa Pig on the TV” – so let’s laugh about it, because the only other option is to cry.

12 Comments on "Wicked Wednesday: doing the laundry"

  1. I like the way Pumpkin’s looooong legs are hanging over the edge of the basket. I think you’re going to have to get a bigger basket and more laundry!

  2. MummyandMonkeys | September 10, 2014 at 5:32 pm | Reply

    Love it x

  3. Haha almost doesn’t fit! Cute pic!

  4. Yep, been there done that. Great photo! 🙂

  5. Ha ha ha ha!!!! Love it – Well she looks very happy indeed doesn’t she?! Brill piccy. At least she’s safe. Thanks so much for linking up to #wickedwednesdays and I can’t wait to see what you have for me this week! x

    • Thanks! It’s a good thing she lets me put her down pretty much wherever. But I think I’ll need a bigger basket soon! Thanks for the linky!

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